trip reports
You can log a Trip Report (TR) by calling us on your VHF radio on Channel 07.
For a complete list of Coastguard New Zealand VHF channels and information, click the links >>>
When logging a TR, you’ll need to provide the following information:
- Your boat’s name and call sign
- The location where you launched
- Your intended destination
- The number of people on board (POB)
- Your estimated time of return (ETR)
Please remember to close your TR when you reach your destination. Failing to do so will not trigger a search. If you require assistance, make sure you can call for help directly. It's also a good idea to have a trusted person on land who can raise an alarm if you don't return as planned.
In the event of an emergency, your TR will give rescue authorities a starting point for their search and inform them of the number of people aboard. Coastguard’s call sign database stores critical details such as your emergency contact, boat type, size, colour, onboard equipment, and other important information. To ensure your details are up to date, remember to update your call sign if you sell your boat or any of your information changes.
maritime vhf radio callsigns

All radio transmissions must be clearly identified, and to ensure this, vessels may be assigned a VHF callsign. In New Zealand, callsigns begin with "ZM," followed by another letter and four numbers.
It is illegal to use a false callsign for any radio transmission. A callsign is registered to an individual (the "holder"). If you purchase a vessel, the callsign does not automatically transfer with it. You must obtain permission from the current callsign holder to transfer the callsign to a new owner.
To apply for a new VHF callsign, or To update your existing VHF callsign, please click the links below.